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- Guest Speaker, Darren Smith
- The Joys of Christmas
- Why The Christ Child?
- It Is a Good Thing to Give Thanks
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- The High Cost of Disobedience
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- Searching for Silver Treasures
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- The Bad Reputation of God
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- A Tree of Testing or a Tree of Trusting
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- Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
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- A Great Woman
- Faithfully Trusting Him
- The Peril of Having an Empty Soul
- The Case For God's Existence
- Death is Defeated
- Both Lord and Christ
- The Weeping King
- Why Did God Send His Son into the World?
- The Blessings of Believing
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- On Earth as it is in Heaven
- Worshipping God with Our Gifts
- Baptist Men's Day
- The Nature of True Worship
- The Spiritual Prayer Retreats of Jesus
- New Year's Eve Message
- The Content of our Testimony
- What Christmas Did Not Do
- Are You Satisfied with Christmas?
- The Peace of the Church
- Give Yourself in Service
- Living in the Light of His Love
- The Holy Spirit Invites You
- Using the Gifts of the Spirit
- The Gift of The Holy Spirit
- The Joy of Knowing Jesus Christ as Savior
- Harvest Time
- The Lostness of Man
- Questions About Freedom From Fear
- Recovering Buried Treasure
- When the Demands are More Than the Resources
- Almost Drowned by the Difficulties
- The Outreach of Faith: The Christian Life
- About Us